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Classic State - sota clothing

Classic State

When Spencer Johnson, founder of sota clothing, first sketched his initial designs for sota clothing, his intentions were really quite simple. He was taking it upon himself to fill a void he saw in Minnesota apparel. Not claiming to be a sports enthusiast, he wanted Minnesota-inspired apparel without claiming allegiances to any particular sports team. So he set out to craft designs that reflected the land that raised him.

His most widely known graphic embodies our claim as “the land of 10,000 lakes” with the iconic crossing oars, as well as our establishment as the 32nd state to join the union. Little did he know that countless of Minnesotan’s would embrace his designs as well, now having a wearable expression of their state pride- cultivating their own sense of home.

Over the past eight years, we have brought sota clothing to county fairs and state fairs, pop-up shops and retail boutiques. Its emblem cutting across demographic barriers as an expression that unites.

In interacting with customers, one common question continued to surface.

  “When will you start making designs for other states?”

It's a request that reveals a common desire, from coast to coast, to show pride for where one comes from. To nurture and claim a sense of home.

Knowing this undertaking was not sota’s to fulfill, it paved way for what we are proud to introduce to you as Classic State. Influenced from the clean and timeless designs of sota clothing, Classic State identifies and displays the unique culture and lifestyle’s of each state within our Union. Providing wearable expressions to showcase the pride you have for the land you call home.

Classic State - UTAH HAT

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